Why Support St. Francis?

When you see this page, you may wonder why it is necessary to support St. Francis? It is part of the Catholic Diocese and the school benefits from tuition, so why does St. Francis ask for your help?

1. Our tuition is very affordable.

At St. Francis we charge the very minimum to our Falcon Families. The cost to us to educate each child is $6,200; however, we only charge parents $1,500. We never want cost to be a reason a parent cannot send their child to our school. Even if parents fall on hard times and are unable to pay their tuition, we will never let that keep us from allowing a student to continue his or her education.

It is for this very reason that we ask for your support. By financially supporting St. Francis, you are allowing us to continue to educate boys and girls regardless of their ability to pay. We provide a safe environment where every child is nurtured and provided for and given a quality education. Won’t you help us continue to share the love of God to our students?

2. Our teachers are volunteers.

All of our teachers are volunteers. They receive a small stipend and we do provide teacher housing, however, they are still responsible for their own financial obligations. Most of our teachers come across the country to serve at St. Francis. They answer the call to minister instead of possibly working for a normal teacher’s salary. Your financial gift would allow us to provide more for our teachers and alleviate some of their financial strain.

3. We still have to maintain our facilities.

St. Francis is fortunate to have had our teacher housing donated from a generous benefactor. However, there is still the utilities and upkeep of the facility. Additionally, our school building boasts a large gymnasium and multiple classrooms that need to be heated in the winter and kept cool in the spring and fall. The utilities on these facilities can be quite heavy at time and we are grateful that God has provided for us every step of the way- including last year when we had a major water line break that required a complete replacement of all of our lines. God is good and He provided but sometimes, He uses people to help do His will.

4. We still have to provide for our students.

At St. Francis we provide the equipment for all of our students to succeed. This year we are providing a laptop for every one of our students to help them move forward with their online education. We are also continuing to provide meals for our students to make sure no child goes hungry.

During a normal school year, we will provide clothing, school supplies, food, and many other items to our students if needed. One way we can do this is by financial donations from generous people.

Christ speaks frequently about helping others in need:

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16

“Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely,m who conduct their affairs with justice.” Psalm 112:5

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”          1 John 3:16-18

We want to be able to give to our students and staff. Would you consider help St. Francis?

Mission of Catholic Schools

The mission of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Gallup is to proclaim the person and message of Jesus Christ and His Church through worship, evangelization, education, and service. Catholic schools nurture the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, cultural, and physical development of students; while forming them as members of a community dedicated to the service of God through care for others. Catholic education fosters habits of lifelong faith formation and learning. This is achieved by infusing academic and co-curricular instruction with Gospel values, developing in students the ability and desire to make present the Kingdom of God.

The Office of Catholic Schools exists to assist administrators, teachers, staff, advisory board members, and parish communities of our Catholic schools in providing the best Catholic education available to the children of the Diocese of Gallup.

Diocese of Gallup