St. Francis of Assisi receives its accreditation through the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA).

St. Francis of Assisi School-Wide Learning Expectations

Grades K-3

A St. Francis of Assisi Graduate is

  • A follower of Jesus who:
    1. loves God and others
    2. knows the Bible and Catholic Church teachings
    3. does acts of service
    4. participates in Church celebrations
    5. respects all cultures
    6. uses talents for self and others
  • A good speaker and writer who:
    1. writes in different ways
    2. listens actively and respectfully
    3. speaks clearly and confidently
    4. explains clearly and accurately
  • A learner who:
    1. reads a variety of materials
    2. solves problems by using thinking skills
    3. knows how he or she learns best
    4. works well alone or with a group
    5. works hard in all subjects
    6. takes care of his or her body with proper diet, hygiene, and exercise
  • A responsible citizen who:
    1. takes responsibility for his or her own actions
    2. works together to solve problems and disagreements
    3. knows about the United States, its history, and our responsibilities
    4. knows about world cultures
    5. uses good manners, sportsmanship, and self-control
    6. takes care of God’s creation


Grades 4-8

A St. Francis of Assisi Graduate is

  • A follower of Jesus who:
    1. demonstrates love for God and others through acts of kindness, concern, and tolerance
    2. knows the Bible and Catholic Church teachings
    3. helps others and does community service
    4. prays daily
    5. appreciates others and respects differences
  • A good speaker and writer who:
    1. writes in different styles, utilizing the writing process
    2. listens actively and respectfully
    3. speaks clearly and confidently
    4. shares ideas effectively and creatively
  • A learner who:
    1. reads a variety of genres
    2. uses critical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques
    3. demonstrates practical and abstract mathematical knowledge
    4. applies self and demonstrates knowledge in all subjects
    5. takes care of his or her body with proper diet, hygiene, and exercise
  • A responsible citizen who:
    1. accepts responsibility for his or her own actions
    2. works together to resolve conflict and build community
    3. knows about the United States, its history, and our responsibilities
    4. knows about world cultures and events
    5. uses good manners, sportsmanship, and self-control
    6. takes care of God’s creation